Special Areas of Economic Growth
Lipeck The Russian government tries to resist the outflow of capital by active investors in the Special Economic Zones (SEZ): At the end of October, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation approved investment projects worth more than 1 billion rubles for the implementation of the 'SEZ'.
Migrant Workers from the West
migranty The Russian labor market has been underestimated by experts from developed countries. There are very few labor migrants in Russia from the developed western countries- only a few tens of thousands. Neither Russian demographers nor expats working here can understand this.
Russia does not Stimulate Innovative Economy
jongh Russian investment market is a dainty place. From one side it is still developing, but from the other one, it is vital, that companies of this market run honest business. Since the beginning of 1990 and till nowadays, there is a prejudice among population towards investments: this is both a negative experience with “MMM” and fraudulent actions with clients’ accounts in brokerage companies and banks.