RS In our opinion Expert examination of tax liabilities to the budget and insurance premiums in off-budget funds

Expert examination of tax liabilities to the budget and insurance premiums in off-budget funds


Filing annual tax returns and accounting reports is mandatory for all companies and individual entrepreneurs operating in the Russian Federation. Moreover, even if financial and economic activity wasn't carried out within the year, it is necessary to submit a "zero" report to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (IFTS), the Federal State Statistics Service and to off-budget funds. In 2013, it will be necessary to file your report by March 28.

And of course, you will want to be sure that the reporting statements have been compiled correctly, thereby avoiding any need to have the company re-file its reports and pay any penalties.

The "Expert Examination of Tax Liabilities to the Budget and Insurance premiums to Off-budget Funds" service, provided by the ICLC auditing company, essentially consists of undertaking an assessment, reducing and preventing possible risks of accruing liabilities in arrears and penalties. The service includes:

  • Formation of tax bases for the most significant taxes for the taxpayer;
  • Charges and payments of insurance fees to off-budget funds.

The examination, carried out by ICLC experts includes the following procedures:

  • Analysis of tax payments and insurance premiums, while the business is carrying out financial and economic activities and identifying potential risks;
  • Determining other circumstances, not yet identified by the business, in connection with taxes and other obligations;
  • Analysis of the methodology for calculating tax payments, insurance premiums, and benefits, taking into account corporate structure and legal relations with contractors;
  • Accuracy assessment of declarations and payments;
  • Identifying reserves, taking into account also the peculiarities of tax planning in holding companies, which are defined as the amount of tax payments and insurance premiums that have been overpaid, due to insufficient study of legislative changes, as well as lack of adequate corporate support.

Upon the completion of the examination, the company's management team receives a report which includes information on violations that have been identified, as well as recommendations on how to properly address and correct them. This will aid in significantly reducing tax risks in the future.

After evaluating all known violations, as well as the general schedule of tax payments and insurance premiums, we will be able to offer an effective model of taxation, taking into account your business's individual characteristics.

ICLC: Tel: +7 (800) 505-05-80, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it RS